On the off chance that you need cash, you can take an individual advance. If you have a credit card, you can also spend on it. But you must know that the rate of interest on personal loans and credit cards is very high. Can also put you in big trouble. Your LIC policy can be useful in such times, The vast majority have a couple of strategies of LIC. In the event that I disclose to you that you can take an advance with your LIC strategy likewise, in…
What are the Different Types of Life Insurance?
Because you have come to know what is life insurance, now you should know about the major types of life insurance plans: Term Life Insurance Plan – Pure Risk Cover Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP / ULIP) – Insurance as well as Investment Opportunity Endowment Plan – Insurance and Savings Money Back – Periodic returns with insurance (periodic returns) (Whole Life Insurance) – Whole Life Coverage for Life Assured / Whole Life Coverage for Insured Child Plan (Children’s Plan) – Children’s life goals (Jeevan Dhyaya) like education and marriage (Retirement)…