On the off chance that you need cash, you can take an individual advance. If you have a credit card, you can also spend on it. But you must know that the rate of interest on personal loans and credit cards is very high. Can also put you in big trouble. Your LIC policy can be useful in such times, The vast majority have a couple of strategies of LIC. In the event that I disclose to you that you can take an advance with your LIC strategy likewise, in…
Category: FINANCE
Books A most awaited book for all readers who really wants to invest our money in a proper magical way and know how money work’s for there dreams and wishes, Presenting ” THE ART OF INVESTING MONEY” By One of the Expert and Optimistic Approach writer Mr. Viibhor Agarwal , Mr. Agarwal is a finance/ taxation/ business / brand management / start-up / investment & legal expert and more than 10 years he serves our services in these industries , So when the expert write something for public welfare every…
Caution Before INVESTMENT
Caution before INVESTMENT-THINGS-TO-CARE-BEFORE-INVESTMENT Today we talk about caution before INVESTMENT, Friends, a lot of FAKE company is also present in the market in the name of INVESTMENT, you always have to stay away from them, in the name of INVESTMENT, you must have seen many people around you, whose money gets stuck or drowned somewhere. goes , Today we will talk about how you are saved from this kind of bad investment. It is important to pay attention to some things before any kind of INVESTMENT, because INVESTMENT is related…
Forex Trading.
Forex trading, also known as currency trading, has grown very rapidly in the field of trading in the last few years. This has emerged as a new opportunity for investors to earn money. Therefore, if you also want to try hand in forex trading then first understand its basic information. In this article, we have explained in detail its benefits and risks related to forex trading. Let us first understand the basis of forex trading. Forex Trading It is the most exciting form of trading, only institutions and banks invest…
What are the Different Types of Life Insurance?
Because you have come to know what is life insurance, now you should know about the major types of life insurance plans: Term Life Insurance Plan – Pure Risk Cover Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP / ULIP) – Insurance as well as Investment Opportunity Endowment Plan – Insurance and Savings Money Back – Periodic returns with insurance (periodic returns) (Whole Life Insurance) – Whole Life Coverage for Life Assured / Whole Life Coverage for Insured Child Plan (Children’s Plan) – Children’s life goals (Jeevan Dhyaya) like education and marriage (Retirement)…
Gold Commodity Trading
Gold is probably the most established money on the planet and therefore, it has become a significant aspect of the monetary world. It is considered valuable in the psychology of individuals and considered property by almost everyone. Gold is a very useful item which is mainly used as jewellery and has other industrial applications like electronics such as mobile phones, GPS systems, televisions etc. and industries like glass making, medical treatment and dentistry Are also. The largest gold producing countries are China, Australia, Canada, Indonesia and one of the largest…
Documents Required To Open a Demat Account
If you want to start trading in the stock market, then you have to submit some necessary documents to open a demat account. Most of all documents are easily available and thus, the entire process of opening an account has become very simple these days. Let’s get straight to the main point of this article and see the list of documents required to open a demat account: Pan Card PAN card or permanent account number is a mandatory document, without which you cannot open your demat account. A self-attested copy…
Main Indicators of Intraday Trading
The best tip given to any intraday trader is to always follow the market direction. Then whether it is a beginner or an established trader, the most important and important thing for them is to learn what the securities they are trading will cost in the coming time. It is difficult for an intraday trader to understand where the market has been and where it is expected to go. But this can be done using technical analysis. Technical analysis is a trading tool that is used to predict the forward…
What is Equity Fund and how to invest in it?
Do you know what is Equity Fund? There is no concrete information related to these funds on any website. For this, today we have brought these posts related to equity funds for you. Our post will answer all the questions related to your equity funds. We have already told you about Mutual Funds on our website, what are these Mutual Funds and how do they work. So as we said earlier, we can divide Mutual Funds in 3 ways: debt, hybrid and third equity. Equity Fund is a scheme of…
How to save income tax in India?
In India, all matters related to income tax are monitored under the Income Tax Act, 1961. According to this Act (Act), it is necessary that your income or benefit is subject to taxation every financial year, that is why you must know how to save income tax. Depending on your total income, you can choose various tax benefit investment options (tax benefit investment option) and plan income tax savings accordingly. To know more deeply about the various ways through which you can save tax, you need to understand how the…